Monday, December 19

Data migration in SAP business one

In this topic we will discuss about data migration in SAP business one . At the end of this topic you will be able to describe the two different options available for the data migration , import items and business partners directly from a file for example a Microsoft excel spreadsheet into SAP business one and use the data transfer workbench to migrate the data from a file for example a Microsoft excel spreadsheet into SAP business one .

During implementation we would usually need to migrate data from the legacy system into the new SAP business one system . Business data such as customers, vendors , items , invoices, etc must be available in the new system before going live . Data migration can be completed in two ways - by manually entering the data into SAP business one or importing a file from a legacy system using one of the two tools available in SAP business one . We will now review the 2 options fro importing data from a legacy system .

You can import data for business partners and items from a text file to a company in SAP business one . You can prepare the data in Microsoft excel and then save the spreadsheet as tabbed limited text . When you import this file , the data is returned to relevant fields in SAP business one . In addition to creating new master data in Microsoft excel , you can also update the existing master data . The following fields are mandatory in a Microsoft excel spreadsheet to be imported . The business partners name , code , type –customer vendor or lead ; if there is no type existent then the system automatically selects type for the customer . For item , one of the item code is required for both importing new item master data or updating existing master data . We can also use the item import to upload price list information . Specify the item code and for every price you wanted to upload , specify the price list code, price and price list currency . After a successful upload you can create a query on the OCRD business partners , OITM which is the items or ITM 1 price list to check if the data was imported correctly . Choose administration , data import / export , then data import and then choose import from excel to start the import from Microsoft excel .

In this demonstration we will review the import from excel function . Go to administration , then data import export / import , then data import and then click import from excel . Select the data type to import , then select items . We are going to add an item master record with its associated items . We here come to choose the fields that we want to import into the SAP business one from the text files . In this example choose the item number , item description price list code , price according to price list and currency type . As you can see from the text file , we are going to import two items , a skateboard of 80 euros associated with the low volume price list under price list 3 and a hand glider for 400 euros . Again with a low volume price list . For the purpose of the demo we will change the item numbers and save the file . This would be relevant if you wanted to change your item master coding structure extracted from the legacy system before importing into SAP business one . The option would also be useful if you had complex frequently changing price lists , which need updating and now tick the update account in the existing items flag and click ok . Click open to import . If this is unsuccessful an error message is displayed which can be saved to a file . You can also save the message if the import was successful in the same manner . Let us now verify that the data has been imported successfully . As you can see , both item codes are present , the hand glider price is correct and the skateboard item too has been imported successfully as well .

Data migration is the process by which the existing data is migrated from a legacy system into SAP business one . To ensure that the migration of the data is done as easily as possible , SAP business one provides the SAP business one add – on , data transfer workbench . It can be stored within the network of any SAP business one server . If you want to import data , other than items or business partners , you need to use the data transfer workbench , also known as the DTW . This tools allows you to import additional master data and transactional data . The process consists of the following steps . Data extraction where the necessary data are extracted from legacy system . The data transfer workbench is not involved in this process . Data mapping - the data has to be converted into the format the SAP business one needs and assigned to its data structures . This can be achieved by importing the legacy data into a predefined Microsoft excel template , which maps the legacy data structure with the SAP business one data structures . The Microsoft excel template can be saved as a text file . A series of templates are supplied with the data transfer work related software . A template can also be generated using the maintain interface menu option . Data import - the data is imported into SAP business one via the data import wizard . The wizard allows you to import a file or insert or update mode . Select the business object , for example business partners , sales order and purchase invoices . Select the data files for loading . Manually validate the manual of the legacy data to the SAP business one data structure and run the data import using either the trial run or the complete run . You can then review any of the errors which may have occurred during the process by reviewing the import log . The data transfer workbench is built on the data interface API which is a part of the SAP business one software development kit . This guarantees the data consistency in the data load and enforcement of the same business rules that are part of the standard business one client .

The Microsoft excel templates are based on a pre configured data transfer interface . You may adapt your legacy data to these templates or you may change the interface and generate new templates from it . It maybe necessary to change the interface if the required fields are not part of the default interface. You can always go back to the default interface if necessary .

As previously mentioned , the data transfer workbench add – on has a number of predefined Microsoft templates to assist you in importing data from a file . The template can be linked together to allow for the update of the multiple tables within one import . The Microsoft excel template delivered with the data transfer workbench are tables in SAP business one . If a business object is represented by only one table in SAP business one , such as G / L accounts , only one template is necessary . If a business object is represented by more than one table , for example a business partner object , consists of up to three tables namely , business partner master data , addresses and contacts . One template for each table is required . Once you have mapped your structure from the legacy system to an excel template you can insert your data into the template . In this example you can see that you can import business partners and their associated contacts and address data . In the second example we have a series of templates that are needed for the transaction data , including transaction headers with associated expenses and transaction lines , with the associated expenses .

In this demonstration we are going to review the data transfer work by templates and the import files . Go to your desktop , and click start , then programs , then SAP business one , then data migration and then templates . This lists the predefined templates supplied . Double click on the business partner template . This displays an excel template .Columns A and B are mandatory for every record to be imported into the template . The line type in this example needs to the folder H meaning header in every record in the template , Column B and title record key uniquely identifies the legacy report which is to be inserted into this import file . The record key values are just running from one to 9999 , incrementing for each new record. Do not delete the first two rows in the file as these two rows detail the data mapping and are compulsory during the import stage . Additional stage column may need to be added in a template for every user defined area which you want to import . In our example , we are going to insert the business partner master data with the associate email addresses . Therefore you will paste the legacy data into the file . Save the file as a text file . We are now going to create a business partner import file to add contact information to our header records .This is done in exactly the same manner as the previous file , with the only major difference being column A . The line type needs to be I 1. The record key ties the information in it with the corresponding header records . We will manually enter into the template to the relevant contact information . We now come to complete the first two columns in the header files . Remember it is H for the line type . And similarly we need to complete the first two columns into contact file where I 1 goes into column A . The two contact employees belong to the first header record , hence the one in record key . Save the contact file as a text file . Now both the header and the employee contacts are ready for the import .

The configuration of columns for the data transfer when you are expecting to import a file is specified in the interface definition . This can be accessed while maintaining the data function under the advanced menu . Regardless of the interface definitions , import file columns can be manually matched to business one table columns during every import , but if you use the same configurations for columns almost repeatedly for business subjects , it is best to define the interface accordingly to save your manually mapping the fields on every import . A screen contains an entry for every object that can be imported . The list of columns can be modified by right clicking an existing column and choosing to delete the column which is possible if the field is not mandatory or adding a column in the position . Once the interface definition is done , you can save it and also set it to be the default interface . The relevant options are found under the file menu . Please note that most fields can be retained even if you do not require for them to be imported , leaving them blank in the import file will simply result them in being blank or defaulted in business one.

In this demonstration we are going to review accessing the data transfer work and the facility to generate a new template by the maintainant phase option . Go to desktop and click start , and programs and then SAP business one , then data migration and then data transfer workbench . Select the advance maintain interface menu option . We want to create a new business order template to mention the order of the columns within the files generated on the legacy system . Go to business partners , header line within the tree structure . This lists every available field in the business partner table . We will move by dragging and dropping the phone one to phone two and directly off to the email fields name , The business partner name field , so that the template that we are to generate maps the order of the data extracted from the legacy system . Right click on the header line , part of the business partner tree and click create template folder structure . A standard window save as screen appears , asking for you to save the new excel template . Move to a suitable folder for example the templates folder and click save . A message is displayed stating that the template file has been saved successfully . Go to the relevant folder and open the new template . The new template has the fields in order that you positioned them with the contact details directly after the card name field .

The first step in every import is to connect to the database into which you want to import the data . When you choose log on , the log in screen appears . Here you enter the user name and the password , as well as the server in which the database is stored . At the bottom of the screen you can select to authenticate the sequel serve on the server machine using your windows account . When you choose refresh , all company databases available on the server are listed in the company drop down list . Select the database in which you want to import the data and select ok . The language field affects the language of the log file .

Let us review all the steps require for the data import via the data transfer workbench login . This step was already described . Step 1 of the wizard : In step 1 , you will choose if you have to import a new object or update an existing object . Update is supported for G / L and business partners and prices and items . Step 2 of the wizard : In step two , you choose the business object you want to import or update. Step 3 of the wizard : in step 3 , you choose the data files that you want to import . Depending on the business objects you can upload several data files for different tables of the same business subject in parallel . The files must be text files with comma , semi colon or the tab as the limiter . Define how the workbench behaves in the case of paris . Choose advance , one option is that the data transfer workbench performs a rollback as soon as an error occurs . A roll back resets the whole import process . This means that all data records that already have been imported or removed from the system . Another option is that the data transfer workbench stops the process after a certain number of errors without performing a rollback . The data record for which the import process failed are stored in an error file . Data records that have been already imported successfully remain in the system . Step 4 of the wizard : In step 4 you check if the input data matches with the target data type and you may change the mapping rules if necessary . On the data tab , all the records and all columns for the header data file appear . For every data file that a business object , you can change the mapping rules . In the mapping rules , you determine which column in the data file , the source fields belong to which fields in the system target fields . The default sequence of the target fields is based on the current interface . The target fields include user defined fields and you need to map them to source fields . You can choose a skip a set of columns by choosing to leave them blank . You may save and reuse mapping rules . You can also let the system check the mapping . It returns error messages if you mapped two different target fields to one source field . If you mapped two different source fields to one target field or if you did not map a certain source field to a mandatory target field . Step 5 of the wizard : in step 5 ,the system displays a summary of your parameters . Checking the test run option will enable you to assimilate and import without any data being loaded into the company database . This option enables you to verify the validity of your data. To stop the data import , choose next .

Log management : collect information of messages , error messages or upload the processes and prepare them for analysis . Log management consists of two components , log overview and the detail view . The log overview allows you to manage all the existing logs . The detail view provides details within individual logs .

There are two views of the log – summary and detail . The detail log – it is placed at the very end of the import process and lists all files and successful records . The log contains a date and time stamp of when the import was attempted , the user name server and the company information is also displayed for the information . The log number and the and the error file are also displayed . There are also two buttons that you would like to scroll up and down to the logs that have been saved . You can also double click any of the errors to list all of the reasons for the failed import as there may be more than one . The log also displays a summary section of the run with account . In this example , there have been eleven records successfully created , one failed , three successfully updated records and no records have failed on update . Finally there is a filter available to list all of the log or alternatively just the successful imports or just the failed imports . Click close . The summary log lists all import attempts in a summary format . Thos includes information such as mode , with details of the import or update and if the run was a trial . You can double click any summary row which provides detailed information of that particular import .

You have now completed the topic on data migration in SAP business one. You will now be able to describe the two different options available for the data migration , import items and business partners directly from a file for example a Microsoft excel spreadsheet into SAP business one and use the data transfer workbench to migrate the data from a file for example a Microsoft excel spreadsheet into SAP business one .

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