Monday, May 22

SAPUI5 Table Binding with Data Coming from Backend

The Data that need to be displayed on SAPUI5 Table control resides of a backend system. The Data is fetched via oData services read call and rendered in table UI Control in below fashion,null, null, true, function(oData, oResponse){ debugger;
 oInvoices = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({ "Invoices" : oData.results }); oInvoices.iSizeLimit = 100000;    
var tab =this.getView().byId("invoicestable"); // invoicestable is the ID of Table UI Control
var i=0;
tab.bindAggregation("items", {

path: "/Invoices",
template: new sap.m.ColumnListItem({
cells: [
 new  sap.m.CheckBox({visible:invoicesThat.strtoBool(oData.results[tableIndex1].Count)}).setSelected(true),
       new  sap.m.CheckBox("cbinv",{visible:"{Count}", selected:"{Sel}"}),
       new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text: "{InvNo}", design:"Standard", semanticColor:"Default"}),
       new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text: "{InvDate}", design:"Standard", semanticColor:"Default"}),
       new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text: "{Tin}" , design:"Standard", semanticColor:"{semCol}"}),
//        new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text: "{FormNum}", design:"Standard", semanticColor:"Default"}),
       new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text:"{TypeOfTx}",design:"Standard",semanticColor:"Default"}),
       new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text: "{TaxableGoodsVal}", design:"Standard", semanticColor:"Default"}),
       new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text: "{AmtTaxVal}", design:"Standard", semanticColor:"Default"}),
       new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text: "{InclTaxVal}", design:"Standard", semanticColor:"Default", visible:inctaxval}),
       new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text: "{LabourChrgesVal}", design:"Standard", semanticColor:"Default",visible:labchargval}),
       new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text: "{OtherChrgesVal}", design:"Standard", semanticColor:"Default"}),
       //new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text: "{LabourChrgesVal}", design:"Standard", semanticColor:"Default"}),
       new  sap.ui.commons.TextView({ text: "{GrossTotalVal}", design:"Standard", semanticColor:"Default"}),



Access UI Control and Its Children at Runtime to Modify Properties | UI5

Based on user actions/output of user action, sometimes, other UI control's properties change. This behavior can be achieved by accessing UI controls mAggregation node at run time and setting desired values in UI control properties. Example of modifying 'enabled' property of a button which resides within a List's Custom list Items at place number 2. First UI control is a label, Second is the Button whose property is required to be modified

Get Currently Logged in User in SAPUI5 application

Some times to your oData calls, you want to send logged in user as one of the attributes to the call. This is how you can obtain currently logged in user within SAPUI5 application.

var y = "/sap/bc/ui2/start_up";
       var xmlHttp = null;
       xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
       xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
       if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) {
          var oUserData = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText);
             oLoggedinID =;
       }; "GET", y, false );

 oLoggedinID will contain the login id of the person who has logged on.

thank you !
Mohammed Bohra
+91 8898030972

UI5 screen not launching from MII Navigation menu

​hi Aravinth,
When you run the application from MII navigation menu, perform a network trace to see which call is failing. Based on that further analysis can be done. Let me know if you can share your screen using AnyDesk software to enable me debug this further. 
thank you !
+91 8898030972

Sunday, May 21

How modify the portal URL to browser default

Change the default portal URL to give users more user friendly URL that they are adapted to from the Internet. The following steps will show you how modify the URL from the default port of 50000 to 80 which is browser default

To Change the Port:
Switch to the J2EE Visual Administrator
Goto -> Cluster -> Dispatcher -> Services -> HTTP Provider

Choose Ports
Change the port number to 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS (SSL)
Choose Update and save.
Stop and Start the HTTP Provider service.
http: to
https: to

Friday, May 19

Portal Implementation Learning

@NIIT Technologies, Marwah Centre, Andheri (E), Mumbai

SAP Enterprise portal is single source of access various structured and unstructured information within an enterprise. In its raw format, sap_bluecrystal theme is assigned to portal desktop by default. Portal is delivered with various framework pages like classic, ajax, fiori launchpad etc...

I am trying to implement fiori launch pad. Few learning shared below

Iview Property for Fiori LaunchPad Tile Display
Object ID of Device Group property of iview governs the display of its tile on fiori launchpad. The value of the property must be set as;;SmartphoneAndroid.

If the value is set to above, tile of this iview will display in Fiori launchpad else it will not display.

Activating UI Theme Designer in EP 7.3 and Above
From 7.3 version of portal onwards, UI Theme Designer tool is being delivered by SAP.  This tool is better version of Theme Editor. It has better usability than Theme Editor which used to come during 7.0 version. UI Theme Designer link can be accessed from within Content Admin->Portal Display->Portal Themes->UI Theme Designer.

If you do not see UI Theme Designer link at above mentioned path, check for below
Go to nwa->configuration->infrastructure->application Modules. Search for 'lafservice' in Module list.In the 'Web Module Details', in the components tab, select 'laf'. In the portal service details, select 'Determine what will be the theme runtime provider'. Change its value to 'LESS'. By default it is blank. Click on Save. Now 'UI Theme Desginer' link should be visible in portal content admin->portal display->Themes.

Embedding EP Desktop within HTML Iframe
This is about a requirement from the client which requires EP desktop to be displayed within iframe of another website. If you give the URL of EP ie http://:50000/irj/portal directly as the scr value of iframe, portal will not load. There is a specific alias that SAP delivers to enable portal desktop to launch within an iframe. The Alias is called 'interop'. There is a special property, the alias has. It is called 'nested_window', the value of this property is set as 1. Check in system admin->system config->portal display->URL Alias Manager. Select Portal/interop

The limitation with interop desktop is only one iview which is the first iview of first page of first role assigned to the logged in user will be displayed. So basically, it displays only one iview at a time.

If you want to run EP end to end with all roles assigned to the logged in user, you can assign the same property to the desktop you are using. For example, if you are using fiori launch pad desktop, create a alias for that desktop and assign nested_window property the this alias. Now give EP URL alias to the src tag of iframe, EP Desktop will render fine within the iframe.

Wednesday, May 17

Logon to SAP EP Programatically by using UMFactory's LogonAuthenticator.Logon

@ NIIT Technologies, Marwah Centre, Mumbai

I am trying to write a java program which logs on a user to SAP EP with a user and password provided to the program. Some literature about it is available on the internet but no luck since couple of days. People are talking about using UMFactory's LogonAuthenticator.Logon method to log the user in. I tried it with various authentication schemes like basicauthentication, uidpwdlogon, certlogon etc but failed every time unfortunately. There are no error logs getting generated in the stack traces of server to guide me further towards solution.

Logon by posting j_user and j_password to EP URL.
I am alternatively posting j_user and j_password variables to EP URL to log the user on. It works. See below form for reference.


  For the former method, I am could see that in authentication of EP in nwa, below message about authentication policies is being displayed. I beleive, the warning being displayed in causing the problem

The message is 'There are conflicting policy configurations: [anonymous,default,certlogon,uidpwdlogon,UserAdminScheme,basicauthentication]'

My Source code the for the former approach
            UMFactory.getLogonAuthenticator().logon(request, response, "uidpwdlogon");
         catch( e)
             out.println (e.getStackTrace());

Result printed on screen from stack Trace[Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@35ab660e

All suggestions to above problem are welcome.