Tuesday, November 29

DC Builds fine on the WD View but Errors on the Navigator View

Sometimes when the Development Component is checked in to DTR manually, it may be checked in with some files in read-only mode. So these files get uploaded in DTR in read only mode. Then when the developer creates project from the Inactive DCs from the DC perspective of NWDS, the project gets created but with the below shown errors.

These errors are because the files in error are read-only. This is indicated on the problem view of  NWDS IDE. So when you open the problem view of your NWDS IDE, you will be able to see these errors with their description.

All that you need to do is to go to the location on your local machine where these files are located and select them all and right click and go to properties and uncheck the readonly checkbox.

Once you do this then come back to NWDS and reload the project in the Web Dynpro perspective. If the errors are still there, go and check you Problem View. CHeck which all files are still in error. If there are any such files still, repeat the process for them and reload the project again. Do this unless all the errors are gone.

Once the project is free of all the errors, you need to checkin the project to DTR. This has to be done manually as you will notice that when you try to Edit any file in the project, the JDI does not ask you to create any activity even if you are logged in to DTR.

So go to DTR perspective of NWDS for manually checking in your changes.

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